President's Message

Development has quietened down, most likely due to interest rates. We think this is a pause, not a stop,

to all the applicaons. The City has opposed two recent developments for different reasons. First was

the development of the Golf Course Site on Wynford. Second was the development at 1053 Don Mills Rd.

We are pleased that the city has taken these acons seriously and is opposing over-development.

There have been several break-ins in the Don Mills area recently. At the Town Hall put on by Councillor

Burnside, the Superintendent for the 33 Division was pleased to announce that in the recent budget, 30

plus new officers were authorized for the division. While not a soluon, it will go a long way to

stemming the reduced staff that has affected the area. We are yet to hear when these officers will

arrive and be deployed. Maybe you can ask at theopen house coming in Saturday June 15th on 50 Upjohn Rd.


In March, I was invited to meet with Adil Shamji, MPP for Don Valley East, to parcipate in a symposium on

the planned demolishment of the Ontario Science Centre. I’m not at liberty to discuss what was said or

decided, I can report that there is a lot of opposion to this replacement of a cultural icon. For more

informaon see the main arcle in this newsleer from Geoff Keel, a reprint from the Leaside Life

newspaper. And if you’d like to know even more about this and what is happening, then please see

SAVE ONTARIO’S SCIENCE CENTRE ( They need all the help and

support you can provide.


Finally, our Annual General Meeng is fast approaching. We are planning to hold it on June 5th . Full and

proper noce, with the me, locaon, and agenda, will be sent to all members by the middle of May. If

you need to, you will be able to renew your membership both before and at the meeng.


John Cockerill,

President DMRI

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  • abebe bikila
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  • Joseph R
    This sounds like a very serious issue and I wish you all the best in solving it. I’m glad organizations like this are working hard to do the work others don’t have the time or attention to do themselves – the ones who benefit. Keep it up!
  • Roman Kowalczuk
    The city’s “public consultation” about the four towers on the golf course took place on May 3, 2023.
  • julijana janjic
  • Paul Hallam
  • Greg Czylyski